Contact Us
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Eco-Products Canada
Polar Pak Company
4500 rue Cousens
St-Laurent, QC H4S 1X6
Phone: 514-331-0207
General Inquire:
Customer Service (online orders):
Visit our web site:
Reach out to our US team for questions related to sales and distribution throughout the US and Mexico.
US HQ Office
4755 Walnut Street
Boulder, CO, 80301
Phone: 303-449-1876 (click here to see our phone tree)
Know what option to press before you call. Below is our call-in phone tree. If the recipient of your call isn't available, please leave a message for a return call.
Please note: We do not accept or return unsolicited calls.
Press 1 Distributor orders & inquires ( 303-449-1876)
Press 2 Online web orders, product info, custom prints, etc (8am to 3pm MST - M-F. 888-679-7845)
Press 3 Accounts Payable
Press 4 Accounts Receivable
Press 5 Human Resources
Press 6 IT Services
Press 7 Logistics
Press 8 Marketing
Press 9 New Product Development
Visit out brand site:
Visit out store site:
Reach out to our US team for questions related to sales and distribution throughout the US and Mexico.